* Same day appointments available. Now we offer walk ins early am 8-9 and also early afternoon 1-2 (Currently giving telehealth and curbside visits secondary to Covid 19 situation/See announcement section).

* Experienced and well trained staff.

* Variety of services to fit all needs, such as: fever, colds, rash, wheezing/asthma, allergy, cough, pink eye, urinary symptoms, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches, minor trauma, behavioral issues, etc.

* Able to make appropriate referrals when necessary.

* Less than 1/2 mile away from a local hospital and labs (Seton).

* In-house lab for convenience.

* 24/7 answering service for your convenience.

* Saturday AM clinic (at the Killeen location).


* Curbside visits.